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Megaplex 2022 - Electric AvUwU - First Vending at a Furry Con!

Megaplex 2022 rolled around, and I was ready: a nice big luggage full of art supplies and prints, knick-knacks for the table, my GOOD camera, and in another carry-on a Switch, some clothes, and paws. A big lunchbox full of juice boxes, drinks, and snacks, and I hit the road.

On Friday, parking was INSANE. People were parking on curbs and all over the place! I attended a couple panels, including My Little Debates, where I argued Spike was best Pony, Cozy Glow was best villain, and Twilight Sparkle was best Princess. Roaring round of applause for Spike as best pony, that was a highlight!

Pictured: Me, right, Bourbon Wolf in suit, left

I met up with friends and some interesting people, and hung out in the game rooms playing Smash Bros. when panels weren't on. Later that night I met up with my good friend and con roomie CrypticVoyager. Surprisingly, Lemonbrat had a premade fursuit very close to the style of his fursona! Suits are surprisingly expensive, even for a partial like this:

I told him before the con was over, I wanted to wear a suit and interact with other suiters. I wanted to be a mascot and make others happy.

We ate that night at Mellow Mushroom pizza! It was GOOOOD

Saturday morning, I was up in the artist alley. I had vended previously for Toracon in Sarasota, but this was my first time vending at Megaplex, or any furry convention!

On this space I had given many demonstrations: the light taking on the color of the print for the metallic paper, the flexible properties of the ink, magnifying glasses to inspect quality on the art and details in the NYC print, the softness and longevity of the cotton, and microfacets in the polar gloss metallic paper that give the light its unique pearlescent sheen.

Lugging all that stuff around was NOT fun. Had some tacos and crashed after that. But made a friend while eating lunch in the zoo and recuperated!

I ran into a very special person, you may have noticed before: Shoutmilo, and his suit Tiki! Shoutmilo had just given his suit, which he outgrew, to TenTailed Wolf, pictured here, leaving behind only the head. This was the last time Tiki would be shown in full as the new suiter had their own head planned for the rest of the body. Shoutmilo himself took this photo. It's always great running into good, kind-hearted, influential people, and Milo was one of my role models for joining the fandom. Stupid me forgot to ask for a picture with him... Hopefully we'll meet again next year!

Saturday I needed a break to cool down from lugging stuff around Artist Alley. Headed to the hot tub for a bit, and yeah, I went down the water slide a couple times. It was a constant Latin dance party around the pool at the Caribe Royale. And with Saturday done, I still hadn't found a suit I could wear.

Sunday rolled around and everyone decided to wait until today to buy things. I got a print made for someone to ship to a friend: that print is heading out tomorrow. And I also got a commission lined up!

Once the Artist Alley Sunday slot was done, I packed up my things and put them in my car. Things were gonna be lighter from here on out. I saw the fursuit parade, bought a t-shirt, played some more Smash Bros... not much went on.

I had taken pics with a few suiters, but before I knew it, the day was done. I was sitting in a large room for one last event... the Closing Ceremonies. Megaplex came and went, and 3 days were done.

Oh, well. It seemed like I couldn't fulfill that goal of wearing a suit. But at least I got to enjoy my friends, make new ones, sell a few things, and drum up some support for my business.

...Then... something magical happened...

My friend, CrypticVoyager, gave me his brand new fursuit head and paws and told me to go have fun! He took pics documenting everything. I was waving to everyone that walked by, got pics with people, and suddenly a group started forming, full of people who left the closing ceremonies and didn't want to leave everything just yet. None of us had been friends before this moment. I am interacting with these people for the very first time, but we're enjoying each other like we've known for a very long time. This is the magic of furry conventions: everyone you meet will be so open, so kind, so accepting, and in many cases, so fun! You can strike up a conversation with anyone.

Ending the convention on this note was remarkable. It is my hope people who are skeptics go to a convention and see furries for yourself. Communicate, interact, ask questions, and you'll be surprised by what friends you'll make.

If more people knew the truth about furries and this fandom, the world might learn a thing or two about being open and accepting for all of us.

Just like we've always been for each other.

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